Ali H. Bhagat

︎ International Political Economy
︎ Global Displacement
︎ Race and Identity

As of 2023, I have started a new position at Simon Fraser University at the School of Public Policy in Downtown Vancouver. I am also affiliated with the Re: Structure Lab Previous to this I held tenure-track positions in Global Development Studies at Saint Mary’s University and in the Department of Politics at the University of Manchester. 

In my new position I research and teach on topics concerning refugee and migration policy in Canada and the World, qualtiative research methods, racial equity, and queer politics. In general, I am interested in the political economy of labour, finance, and racial capitalism. 

I am currently working on two SSHRC-funded research projects. The first is a SSHRC Insight Development grant for which I am the principal investigator titled ‘Mapping Queer African Refugee Lifepaths’. The second I am co-investigator along with Genevieve LeBaron (PI) and Kam Phung which is titled ‘The Effectivenss of Worker-Driven Alternatives to Corporate Social Responsibility in Governing Global Supply Chains’.

I received my PhD in Political Studies from Queen’s University (Fields: IR and Comparative), where my research on forced displacement was informed by extensive, fieldwork in Paris and Nairobi. The project was funded by IDRC, the W.C Good Memorial Fellowship, and the Ontario Graduate Scholarship. I have transformed this dissertation into a book manuscript (Forthcoming in 2024 with Cornell University Press) titled The Displaced: Race, Refugees and Ambivalence under Capitalism. 

I am working on my second book project with Professor Genevieve LeBaron called ‘Prison Labour: State Imposed Unfreedom in the United States and South Africa’. We ask why the US still uses prison labour (entertwined in the supply chain of mega corporations) while a former apartheid state has mostly discontinued this practice. We engage in theories of racial capitalism and examine the various forms of labour exploitation taking place in both historical and contemporary contexts.